Dear Supporters,

I have been informed that the city has been updating their e-mail server.  So if you had problems sending an e-mail to any of the city officials please try again.  It should be okay now.

Also, I have been requested to provide some highlights for the contents of the e-mails, phone calls or letters to our city officials.  Keep it simple and short.

Tell them you want it to become a park so it can be protected.
Tell them why it is important to you that it stays natural.
Tell them how often you use it and what for..
Tell them about the abundant wildlife, wildflowers, birds and unique rock formations.
Tell them about the easy, year around walking trails away from the traffic and houses.
Tell them hundreds of people use it every week.
Tell them over 50,000 cars enjoy the viewshed every day
Tell them there is no other place to walk that is like this in our area.
Tell them that two city departments shouldn't be squabbling over a city natural asset.

Just a few ideas.  Hope this helps.  Lets let them know how we feel.  Scot has coined a term "eternal vigilance".  That is what we have been in for the past 30 years watching little by little our quality of life and the beauty of our area disappear.  It is time to fight back and be counted.  As always thank you for your support.

Steve Castle, 593-9226,
Scot Hume, 598- 6106,
Austin Bluffs Conservation Association
Union Meadow Park Project Co-Chairmen